Freedom New Zealand: Credit and Living Life

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Credit and Living Life

The credit crisis has been given many excuses, ranging from too many people spending beyond there means, to investments gone wrong and even failed trade agreements.

Put simply, it's the banks who loaned the credit (not money) and allowed it to that which could be given the exmaple of a drug addict to credit, to tick-up credit with the dodgy dealing bank, to get there next fix so someone could get a plasma, mortgage and car etc which the bank knows most of there applicants could not afford to pay back.

I mean an example is that most university students who make about $150 a week in N.Z from student allowance living costs, getting the bank saying here's a credit card for $5000, then another bank doing the same, then a finance company allowing around $2000 loaned, possibly more, so a total of $12,000 debt from one student. Did the bank assess this thinking the student would become a doctor or lawyer who could repay this? No, because most would take a part time job afterwards in some dodgy fast food place or call centre close to minimum wage in order to survive, and in turn these places hire and fire quicker than they over sales most of the time. They may end up at a WINZ office, and WINZ will push them onto anything other than unemployment to keep the unemployment benefit numbers down, so someone could then be falsifying a mental illness and be drugged up on med's to get by on direction from the government. I have interviewed many people like this or they pass uni and go oversea's only to come back not long after in a worse case and paying back IRD so much money and still the banks on the amount of thin air credit loaned and then interest to kill there wages.

This is the banks faults, its the big companies making a killing literally in some cases like weapons manufacturers, fast food outlets, oil companies and so on who market more and more there products and services which are made by P.R to look essential and con people into debt by credit.

Banks work from other deposits normal people make in good faith thinking 'we trust our bank', banks should be an optional service, not compulsory for your wages to be done as a commercial transaction, they (the banks) gain interest on the money in balance in there banks and loan out credit which is not based of there own books, but these deposits as some do know this harsh truth.

It's much the same with the reserve bank it has no real money but now will based on bonds, credit issued in the form of paper bills printed to the crown then passed to us. The national debt as its called.

To make the elite crash happen quicker everyone could withdraw all there money, buy a safe and store there own money and invest in gold, but remember last time people did this, the U.S government issued prohibition on gold, they did much the same on alcohol and tobacco. The N.Z government would likely follow, hence the guaranteed deposit scheme hoo-haa that most banker controlled states and nations of the western world are doing and have done.

Kiwibank currently is running somewhat anti-aussie-bank ad's, well Kiwibank is in debt if you look at logically, its government owned, which i would support nationalization as opposed to privatization of capitialist foreign powers,but anyway the crown owes the national debt, the citizens and persons who are registered with stock certificates as a security interest (birth certificates) vest debt based on liability to pay such things like compulsory taxes and fee's, foreign examples include insurances.

This in turn gives people less wealth and more wealth in the hands of the banks and governments as these are processed in N.Z prior to clearance, i mean tax is deducted before you can withdraw your pay, as is the case via PAYE, student loans, kiwisaver, ACC levies, other taxes, child support, court fines and possibly more examples. So the individual has alot less than what starts off, it puts wealth again to clarify out of the hands of the worker. Then to note this worker pays his or her bills and is expected to live, at this point they could be able to afford other things but if not a life on credit is led by a large flock of sheep in example. No one ever believed someone cried wolf, oops i mean banks.


2 Responses to Credit and Living Life

  1. Anonymous Says:
    You know what I find weird? Two years ago, the NZ economy was apparently humming along nicely, lots of new building projects being undertaken, apparently there was a lot of wealth in the system. But what exactly was this wealth made up of? In the most part, I would suggest that it was 'money' in the form of debt, which people had borrowed from overseas banks, that they will need to pay back plus mega interest on top.

    Now, thanks to the 'credit crunch', this 'wealth' has dried up and our economy is said to be in recession. But really isn't it that more people are sticking to their small paypackets, and fewer loans and mortgages are being taken out. Some might even be saving! Isn't that actually a good thing? Economists would tell us NO it's not, for the NZ economy to grow people need to borrow lots of money to expand their businesses and employ more staff.

    The only ones who seem to ever win out of all of this is the banks.
  2. Red Pill Says:
    I believe the exposure without the label of conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact (which it is) and the full truth about Fractional Reserve Banking, thin air credit with taxation, and who controls the economy will be the greatest news release to the public since the story decades ago when people opposed it's introduction as a institution.

    As one elite banker once said to show my point and that of others;

    'Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws'. - Mayer Amschel Rothschild