Freedom New Zealand: National - Gang Crime Policy

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National - Gang Crime Policy

What is the modern definition of a gang member? Much like what is the definition of a terrorist here, in the U.S and really anywhere in this world? This gang member definition could mean 2 or more people who have broken the law, thus committed a crime of any nature, not just P, but protesting a classic example and in final outlook, to the discretion of police of whom is a gang member would be determined, typically a heavily tattooed biker, but a young peaceful protester is possible.

The main part of the story is below.

Cracking down on gangs and the drug P they make and sell will be a priority for a National-led government, party leader John Key says.

He told National's Canterbury-Westland regional conference yesterday pure methamphetamine, known as P, was causing more problems than any other illegal drug.

"It's dangerous, it's devastatingly addictive, it leads to violence and it destroys lives," he said.

"Today I'm sending a warning to every single P dealer, every P manufacturer and every gang involved in the P trade: National will not put up with your criminal activity."

He said a range of powers for finding and punishing those involved in the P trade would be developed.

"Firstly, National will investigate banning known P dealers and manufacturers from having the right to electronic bail or home detention," he said."We view these drug-related offences as dangerous to the public and we believe those responsible for them should be sentenced accordingly."

He said there was no doubt the drug was a major force linked to growing crime rates and told the conference:

* Around one in 10 people arrested for a crime admitted they had been using P in the lead-up to that crime;

* Record levels of assaults on police had been attributed to P; and

* It had been a factor in several murders, including the killing of schoolgirl Coral-Ellen Burrows.

The main points of the crackdown on gangs were:

* Police would have increased legal powers to listen in on gang communications and conduct surveillance;

* Police and local authorities would be given increased power to storm gang fortifications and destroy them;

* The Crimes Act would be strengthened to make it illegal to be a member of a criminal organisation; and

* Courts would be given increased sentencing powers for dealing with those involved with gangs.


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