Freedom New Zealand: New Zealand, The Crown, Politics and the Banks

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New Zealand, The Crown, Politics and the Banks

It would appear that the two major parties will still hold the majority of power, though the Greens may get an extra bump if fools believe they can fix this so called global warming.

So you have Labour who portrays to buying back assets under the state whereas National is appearing to sale any state assets and privatize things, we've already heard but not so loudly the sell off of ACC and just very recently Bill English saying when asked about selling off Kiwibank, "Well eventually, not now"

It's been said National Party policy is no state asset sales in its first term, though come the second term, bang auction time to the foreign bankers. Though the thing is, Kiwibank lends out loans, credit much like any other bank, its not fully owned by the state as the debt New Zealand is in to the Reserve Bank from borrowing would show that's it collaterial anyway, much like anything of WINZ, ACC, IRD and so on. All these departments are lodged with crown bank accounts, mostly Westpac from what i've seen when getting a crown payout, thus the Reserve Bank is not a government department and is not owned by New Zealanders, it has been many times by me and others (much like the U.S Federal Reserve Bank) a bank or system or credit owned by the international banks, with most of it tracking back to the City Of London or Swiss and Germanic rich and powerful masters of money and credit.

Last night on Talkback ZB a caller rung in approx 10:45 - midnight, he tried explaining in a nutshell basically how the above works out, though Oliver Driver the host of the show at the time remarked 'we were schooled Oscar' (Oscar Knightley his co-host) and terminated the call. This specific slot on Sunday appeals to the younger listeners and maybe its casted all of Martyn Bomber Bradbury's ex-Channel Z youth radio listeners, though ZB listeners were noted by Oliver Driver as alot of 14 and 15 year olds.

My point, shutting down the callers as most of the media do, for those who try to educate the future youth and others of the true way the banking and monetary systems work around this world and are screwing this planet up with elite populus control evil bullshit.


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