Freedom New Zealand: Large Scale War Comin Soon

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Large Scale War Comin Soon

Russia may have gone to war with Georgia, but in fact it only looks like its a strategic plan to capture some profits from the Caspian Sea Oil pipeline. Not to forget when the U.S invaded Afghanistan they captured and started contracts with the Saudi's for the Caspian Sea drilling contract.

Notice how during this war Oil peaked, sounds like another move for the elite to crash the global economy and set world wide Union's, much like the European Union and the starting appearance of the African Union, since Mugabe's regime in which the U.S won't hang him but did for Saddam Hussein. Lastly on the point of unions, countrys fitting but not members to the European Union will soon join it looks like and more formations of the North American Union and Pacific Union are shaping closer to there goals.

Below is a cheap map someone gave giving three basic colours, yellow representing the Georgia zone and this can go into Iran, and then look to Iran's left and right, U.S occupied places of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Clearly from the map for a invading force, theres no other directions apart the Gulf and Oman Sea, it appears like Iran maybe next in line for the U.S war of terror (not on on terror) and with China snatching up Trade agreements right now, they're the biggest closest thing to a super power there is, down the list of neighbouring territory would be Pakistan and India and Saudi Arabia (we all know the Saudi and Israeli connection goes deep with the U.S). Not to forget Syria and and Turkey not too far away, though with outnumbered forces Syria would go down eventually and Turkey was helping the U.S with the Iraqi and Afghanistan invasions so a large scale war in the next 4 years or less does seem quite near inevitable.


1 Response to Large Scale War Comin Soon

  1. Anonymous Says:
    Cheer up it may never happen.

    Soon there will be world peace, Climate Change will look after that.

    Blinded by the almighty dollar, both the governments of Canada and Alberta are ramping up Athabaska Toxic Tar Sands Oil Production. Four times the present pollution in a decade!